Tap into CNCA’s expertise to discover insights for projects, sustainable materials, and decarbonization.
Pathways to Decarbonize Cement
CNCA's plan addressed key barriers and policy solutions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 through 3 pathways and 8 levers. This plan also helped create the foundation of Senate Bill 596.
Carbon Neutrality Plan
Focuses on levers that require operational changes, supportive market conditions, dedicated investment, public-private partnerships, and/or legislative support.
Meaningful Solutions
Legislative and regulatory support is needed to remove barriers and unlock pathways to accomplish this 2045 goal. Progress Has Been Made…Next Steps are Crucial!
Lever: Alternative Fuels
Using discarded materials as lower-carbon sources of energy – preventing materials from ending up in landfills and cutting GHG emissions
Connect with an Expert
Tom Tietz
Executive Director
Specifying More Sustainable Concrete
There is a growing emphasis on reducing embodied carbon in concrete. CNCA provides expertise on blended cements, concrete mixtures, construction, and latest policies. We can provide clarity by providing presentations and reviewing specifications to make this possible.
Low Carbon Blended Cements
Cement producers are reducing the carbon footprint of Portland cement by blending Limestone and other materials to produce Portland Limestone cement as well as other products.
Updating Concrete Codes & Specifications
Architects, engineers, and public jurisdictions interested in unlocking the potential of low carbon concrete can benefit from the assistance of industry experts. Nathan has extensive experience with the development of these codes and specs and is ready to help you develop yours.
Continuing Education Courses
As cement and concrete evolve, it’s important for engineers and architects to keep their knowledge current. The CNCA offers presentations on 2 AIA-accredited topics: Blended Cements and Collaborating With Contractors for Lower Carbon Concrete.
Connect with an Expert
Nathan Forrest, P.E., ENV SP
Technical Director
Optimal Pavement Design & Subgrade Solutions
There is a surprising range of cement-based pavement solutions that can provide surprising first-cost value. These include approaches such as in-place recycling of asphalt pavements, roller-compacted concrete, permeable options, and concrete, whether new or old.
Rigid Pavement Solutions
From highways to parking lots, decorative entryways to industrial facilities, capped hardscape to pervious concrete – rigid pavements provide versatile solutions.
Flexible & Recycled Pavement Solutions
Flexible pavements and recycling techniques often include cementitious materials. These solutions and bases can often provide a fast, economical, and sustainable pavement structure.
Designing & Applying Pavement Solutions
AASHTO, Caltrans, PavementDesigner, ACI and other methodologies are used for mechanistically and/or empirically designing pavements. We can help select the right method for each application even on a project-specific basis.
Connect with an Expert
Clay Slocum, P.E.
Director of Engineering
Geotechnical Solutions
Critical to the success of any project, CNCA’s menu of geotechnical solutions offers dynamic opportunities for a variety of applications. Tap into our expertise on water resources, soil stabilization, sea-level rise, in-place pavement recycling, and the myriad of uses for lightweight cellular concrete.
What Are Geotechnical Solutions?
This information portfolio is focused on introducing solutions to a variety of geotechnical challenges using time-tested methods.
Educational Opportunities
Tyler’s engineering experience and presentation skills allow him to present on a variety of project solutions. Free of charge, he can provide large-scale workshops or interactive lunch and learn opportunities.
Valuable Project Assistance
Get Tyler involved early in your project development to save you money down the line. On-site job assessments and value engineering are his specialty.
Connect with an Expert
Tyler Bodnar, P.E.
Dir. of Geotechnical Solutions