Featured Decarbonization Lever: Alternative Fuels
Using discarded materials as lower-carbon sources of energy – preventing materials from ending up in landfills and cutting GHG emissions
Alternative fuels…
Reduce the use of coal and other fossil fuels.
Cement plants can use a variety of materials for energy, including materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill.Prevent the release of methane (a problematic GHG).
Organic matter – pistachio shells, wood chips, cardboard – release methane when these materials rot in landfills.Add value to the local economy.
The plant consumes materials destined to be landfilled and gives them a second life. Jobs are created as the material is processed, sorted, prepared, and then transported.Preserve natural resources.
This avoids having to mine raw materials and helps reduce the reliance on landfills and related GHG impacts.Create no additional emissions.
Regardless of fuel sources, cement plants must adhere to the same emissions laws. High temperatures within cement kilns mean materials are completely consumed.
We are lagging behind other nations and states. Alternative fuels accounted for less than 10% when it comes to fuel sources in California cement plants as of 2018.
What You Can Do
Identify opportunities to reduce the permitting burden of key regulations.
Pursue measures to increase tipping fees.
Subsidize the development of a biomass collection & distribution network.
Provide financial support and incentives for RD&D.
Connect with a CNCA Expert
Tom Tietz
Executive Director