Industrial Process Heat Recovery

Remove barriers to use zero-carbon energy and relieve stress on the state’s electricity grid

Cement manufacturing is already energy-efficient, but efficiency can be pushed further by using a proven technology that uses industrial process heat recovery to generate zero-carbon electricity.

Industrial Process Heat Recovery…

  • Increases energy efficiency and lessens the state’s reliance on fossil fuels to produce the electricity it consumes.

  • Increases reliability and reduces the stress on the state’s electricity grid.

  • Reduces the GHG emissions associated with the state’s production of electricity.

  • Creates local jobs due to both the installation and ongoing operation of IPHR equipment.

IPHR is a worldwide tried-and-true method for improving energy efficiency and can play a role in helping the cement industry make meaningful progress toward its goal of achieving net carbon neutrality by 2045.

What Needs to Change

Outdated statutes and regulations, excessive and contradictory permitting requirements are preventing implementation in California. Statutory changes are needed to remove departing load charges. These charges exacerbate the cost barriers and prevent deployment.

Connect with a CNCA Expert

Tom Tietz
Executive Director

Contact Tom


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